A balanced diet is key during lockdown. With not being able to visit the shops regularly, many have opted to stock up on the essentials that won’t perish, from rice, pastas to canned foods. It is very easy to avoid the fresh fruit and vegetables, however during this period you also need to eat food that will naturally help you fight off illnesses. Some power vitamin C foods to consider are citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, carrots and any bright yellow or orange vegetables, as well as broccoli. Almonds and sunflower seeds help up your vaitamin E, while yoghurts and ginger are natural probiotics that can control bad gut health.
We are not allowed to go for walks or runs outside our homes but that doesn’t mean you should give up the notion to exercise. There are easy ways to get your daily exercise in. If have a swimming pool at home try swim a few laps each day while the weather is still warm, or simply do weight while you take a dip. If you are unable to make use of a pool, try following a simple yoga or pilates exercises at home. If you do not have weights at home, try using closed, unused tinned food or filled bottles of water.
The lockdown may have caused a disruption in your regular routine but don’t let it interfere with your sleep patterns. Studies have revealed that those who do not get enough quality sleep are more prone to getting viruses. The goal is to try aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep. You may be wondering, but how does sleep help fight off infections? While we sleep our bodies release proteins called cytokines which help fight infections and inflammation. When we get less sleep, our bodies produce fewer cytokines.
These are just three simple ways you can further help protect yourself from getting ill. Keep safe during lockdown and be sure to continuously wash your hands and keep a safe distance from others.