As the need for more retirement villages and estates grows, so does the need for specialised onsite care and equipped nurses. Onsite care remains one of the top requirements from our Retire KZN community. When looking for the ultimate residence to settle down in and enjoy retirement, it has become vital for developers to provide care that is tailored, professional and most of all trusted. In light of this, it gives Retire KZN great pleasure to welcome TotalCare to KwaZulu-Natal’s shores.
With over 20 years’ experience, TotalCare has become synonymous with specialised care for older people. Their care services expand from basic health checks and monitoring, housekeeping, laundry, 24-hour professional care, medication administration and supplying meals. Their specialties range from frail care, dementia care and assisted living.
Additionally, TotalCare’s comprehensive care packages don’t end there. Their services have been moulded according to Blue Zone principles, which presents a holistic approach to well-being and healthcare. The Blue Zone principles are inspired by those across the globe who have shown ways of living longer. These principles are created to ensure residents have a safe environment where they can move naturally, remain active, have a daily purpose, meditate, eat healthily and consciously, socialise and remain engaged with family. Through the adoption of these Blue Zone principles, TotalCare patients have enjoyed healthier and happier lives.
As it stands, TotalCare is already successfully managing care offerings within 7 retirement villages throughout South Africa. TotalCare has already commenced operations within the R100 million care facility at Mount Edgecombe Retirement Village, and has recently partnered with Shoreline Sibaya to start managing their Care Centre when Phase 1 is complete in October 2019.
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